

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/11)

2024年10月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32036.empower(~に力を与える、権限を与える)to give someone more control over their own life or situation 
How can we empower minorities to have a stronger voice.
32037.tention(緊張感、張力)the feeling that exists when people or countries do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other or start arguing  
The tension between two countries continue  to built. 
 The story in the magazine presented Max in a very positive light.
32039.downplay(軽く見る、重要視しない)to make something seem less important than it really is 類義語 play down 
 Kenta downplayed the story, calling it no more than rumor.
33040.sugarcoat(糖衣をかける、甘美に見せる、(…の)体裁をよくする)used to describe something that is made to seem better than it really is 
There's no way to sugarcoat this bad news.