吉田兄弟 「津軽じょんがら節」 ライブ映像
32071.contact info (連絡先)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 類義語 perspire
Could you give me your contact info?
32072.unlimited(制限のない、制約を受けない)without any limit
Could you give me your contact info?
32072.unlimited(制限のない、制約を受けない)without any limit
I believe that AI has unlimited potential.
32073.come after(~の後に来る、~を受ける)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke
The move came after the president's sudden resignation..
32074.look after(~の世話をする) to take care of someone by helping them, giving them what they need, or keeping them safe 類義語 take care of
Can you look after Sara while I'm at the store?
33075.go after (追い求める、~の後を追う) to follow or chase someone or something because you want to catch them
Can you look after Sara while I'm at the store?
33075.go after (追い求める、~の後を追う) to follow or chase someone or something because you want to catch them
Every dream is worth going after.