

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/16)

2025年02月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
32671.come up with 思いつく) to think of an idea, answer etc 
How do you come up with such an unusual ideas?
 32672.look up to (尊敬する)to admire or respect someone 
AS a kid,I always look up to my grandfather
32673.ENT (耳鼻咽喉科)ear,nose,and throat
I’ve had a sore throat for a few days ago、I think I'll go to the ENT.
32674.chart (海図、水路図、(航空用の)チャート、図表、グラフ、表、(患者用)カルテ) 
What does patients chart say about allergies?
32675.cut and paste  (切って張り付ける)
How do you cut and paste on the smartphone?

