『枯葉 The Autumn Leaves』 聴き比べ
19411.pick up on(~に気づく、理解する)
Companies have picked up on this trend.
19412.cut back on(削減する)
That meanspeople might cut back on buying some of those product.
19413.be upfront about(~について正直である)
Legistlation starts requiring food companies to be upfront about what goes on into their product.
19414.boost healthiness(健康にいいものにする)
Downsizing has become a popular way for good businesses to deal with increasing pressure to cut calories and boost healthiness in processed foods.
19415.calorie counts(カロリー量)
It has also become quite common for restaurants to provide calorie counts on their menus.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Companies have picked up on this trend.
19412.cut back on(削減する)
That meanspeople might cut back on buying some of those product.
19413.be upfront about(~について正直である)
Legistlation starts requiring food companies to be upfront about what goes on into their product.
19414.boost healthiness(健康にいいものにする)
Downsizing has become a popular way for good businesses to deal with increasing pressure to cut calories and boost healthiness in processed foods.
19415.calorie counts(カロリー量)
It has also become quite common for restaurants to provide calorie counts on their menus.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
19406.big player(大企業、大手企業、大物)
Some of the biggest players in the food industry are now trying to convinde peple to eat less.
19407.calories per serving(1食あたりカロリー)
There are fewer calories per serving.
19408.high in sugar, salt or fat(糖分や塩分、脂肪分が高い)
Those product are high in sugar, salt or fat.
Food companies put a premium on the well-being of consumers.
Food companies are taking increasingly counterintuitive approach in marketing their pruducts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Some of the biggest players in the food industry are now trying to convinde peple to eat less.
19407.calories per serving(1食あたりカロリー)
There are fewer calories per serving.
19408.high in sugar, salt or fat(糖分や塩分、脂肪分が高い)
Those product are high in sugar, salt or fat.
Food companies put a premium on the well-being of consumers.
Food companies are taking increasingly counterintuitive approach in marketing their pruducts.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
![]() | 我が家のヒミツ |
クリエーター情報なし | |
集英社 |
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
19401.calorie count(カロリー値)
He avoidos a certain dish because of its calorie count.
19402.bottom line(収益)
That wouldn't necessarily harm a restaurant's bottom line.
19403.monetary incentive(金銭的インセンティブ、報奨金)
The employee fitness offers monetary incentive like that.
19404.thingle year's effort(一年間の取り組み)
Participating employees can earn up to $780 for a thingle year's effort.
They can accumulate points for things like taking nutrition and stress management classes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
He avoidos a certain dish because of its calorie count.
19402.bottom line(収益)
That wouldn't necessarily harm a restaurant's bottom line.
19403.monetary incentive(金銭的インセンティブ、報奨金)
The employee fitness offers monetary incentive like that.
19404.thingle year's effort(一年間の取り組み)
Participating employees can earn up to $780 for a thingle year's effort.
They can accumulate points for things like taking nutrition and stress management classes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
19396.equivalent of(~に相当するもの)
That was the equivalent of climbing a certain very tall tower in Tokyo.
It did prompt me to take the stairs much more than I would have otherwise.
19398.get distracted with(~気を取られる)
I eventually got distracted with work.
19399.be appalled at(~にぎょっとする)
I am appalled at some of the drink sizes available in the U.S..
19400.interference with(~への干渉、介入)
To tell businesses does seem like unfair interference with commercer.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
That was the equivalent of climbing a certain very tall tower in Tokyo.
It did prompt me to take the stairs much more than I would have otherwise.
19398.get distracted with(~気を取られる)
I eventually got distracted with work.
19399.be appalled at(~にぎょっとする)
I am appalled at some of the drink sizes available in the U.S..
19400.interference with(~への干渉、介入)
To tell businesses does seem like unfair interference with commercer.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Barack Obama has said goodbye. He has given his final address as U.S. president, echoing his original message of hope and change. Obama wrapped up his eight years in office by looking back at some of his achievements.
And he looked ahead to what he calls "the greatest threat to democracy."
(Barack Obama / U.S. President)
"We must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are. And that's why, for the past eight years, I've worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firmer legal footing. That's why we've ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, reformed our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties. That's why I reject discrimination against Muslim Americans, who are just as patriotic as we are."
Obama addressed thousands of supporters in Chicago, the city where he declared victory for his two terms.
◆echo (以前と同じことを)再び述べる
◆wrap up 締めくくる
◆in office 在職して、在任して
◆footing 足場、基礎
◆torture 拷問
◆Gitmo グアンタナモ収容所
◆surveillance 監視
◆patriotic 愛国的な
◆declare victory 勝利宣言をする
19391.make eminent sense(大いにうなづける)
That make eminent sense.
Yoga is an effective way to incorporate personal fitness and well-being.
I think we'll see productivity spike once yoga caasses start.
19394.weigh-loss challenge(減量への挑戦)
Other ideas we're working on include staff field days, weigh-loss challenges and holding triathlons with other compnies.
19395.health check(健康診断)
I need to go for my annual health check.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
That make eminent sense.
Yoga is an effective way to incorporate personal fitness and well-being.
I think we'll see productivity spike once yoga caasses start.
19394.weigh-loss challenge(減量への挑戦)
Other ideas we're working on include staff field days, weigh-loss challenges and holding triathlons with other compnies.
19395.health check(健康診断)
I need to go for my annual health check.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
19386.the jury is still out on(~についての結論はまだ出ていない)
The jury is still out on that question.
19387.quite a break with(~との完全な決別)
It presents quite a break with our previous efforts.
We're moving away from thinking about wellness solely as a way of reducing healthvare costs.
19389.creat and nurture(創造して育む)
The basic idea is to creat and nurture more health-conscious workplace and corporate culture
19390.have to do with(~と関係がある)
What does have to do with health consciousness?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
The jury is still out on that question.
19387.quite a break with(~との完全な決別)
It presents quite a break with our previous efforts.
We're moving away from thinking about wellness solely as a way of reducing healthvare costs.
19389.creat and nurture(創造して育む)
The basic idea is to creat and nurture more health-conscious workplace and corporate culture
19390.have to do with(~と関係がある)
What does have to do with health consciousness?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
A boy from Que Tang served Confucius an errand. Someone asked about the boy, "Is he promising?" Confucius replied, "I saw the boy was sitting with adults and walking with seniors. He does not want to improve himself. He just wants to become an adult as soon as possible."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
19381.be proactive(率先して行動する、先を見越して行う)
That's why many companies feel they need to be proactive.
19382.rank in the bottom quartile(下位から4分の一に入る)
The U.S. ranks in the bottom quartile for life expecancy and infant mortality.
19383.per capta(一人当たりの)
The U.S. has the higheast per capta healthcare costs.
19384.healthcare claim(医療費の請求)
It can lead to increased absenteeism, serious illness, injury and healthcare claims.
19385.drive up(吊り上げる)
It drives up costs for employers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
That's why many companies feel they need to be proactive.
19382.rank in the bottom quartile(下位から4分の一に入る)
The U.S. ranks in the bottom quartile for life expecancy and infant mortality.
19383.per capta(一人当たりの)
The U.S. has the higheast per capta healthcare costs.
19384.healthcare claim(医療費の請求)
It can lead to increased absenteeism, serious illness, injury and healthcare claims.
19385.drive up(吊り上げる)
It drives up costs for employers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News