

徒然草 第百七十九段

2022年11月22日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/22)

2022年11月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29611.faint (倒れる) to suddenly become unconscious for a short time 類義語 pass out
I might faint .
29612.nauseous (吐き気がする )especially American English feeling that you are going to vomit 類義語 sick 
I felt slightly nauseous.  
29613.throw up(熱心な )to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth because you are ill 類義語 vomit 
Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up 
29614.bruise (青あざ) a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc 
I was, but I just don’t feel like jogging this morning. I’ll pass today. 
29615.heart burn (胸やけ)an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by acid from your stomach → indigestion
I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I hope he passes. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/21)

2022年11月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
29606.supposed to  (~するはず  )
I think it's supposed to rain. Let me check. Yeah, there's a 60% chance of rain. 
29607.be motivated (やる気がある )
We are looking for highly motivated people. 
29608.be in a relationship (付き合っている )
He's in a serious relationship with Stacey. I think he's going to propose to her soon 
29609.pay the bill  (お会計や費用を払う  )
Yeah, that was amazing. Let's pay the bill and get going. 
29610.upper body (上半身 )
Shall we work on your upper body or lower body? 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/20)

2022年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
29601.I am relieved/I feel relieved. (ホッとする/安心する )
I'm so relieved that I found my passport. I was freaking out. 
29602.save room for  (腹八分にしておく・別腹をとっておく  )
I always save room for desserts. That's the best part of the meal! 
29603.wait and see (様子を見る)spoken used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later 
Let's wait and see before we make a decision. 
29604.assume  (推測する、仮定する、(責任などを)引き受ける )to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof 類義語 presume 
If you want to know something just ask. Don’t assume.
29605.expect (予期する  ) to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been plannedexpect to do something
I expect the problem to get worse before it gets better.


2022年11月19日 | 読書日記
1 酒乱剣石割り2 汚名剣双燕3 女難剣雷切り4 陽狂剣かげろう5 偏屈剣蟇ノ舌6 好色剣流水7 暗黒剣千鳥8 孤立剣残月9 盲目剣谺返し 




Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/19)

2022年11月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
29596.sleep on my neck wrong (寝違える)
I slept on my neck wrong last night. 
29597.be stiff (肩が凝っている )if someone or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move 
My neck and shoulder are really stiff. 
29598.chubby(まるまる太った、丸ぽちゃの )slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive 
My dad is a little chubby.
29599.stoic  (ストア哲学(派)の、禁欲の、冷静な )someone who does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them 
He is a stoic person even in the most difficult of circumstances. 
29600.diligent  someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough
Kevin is a diligent worker and deserves to be recognized. . 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/18)

2022年11月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
I don’t have the faintest idea how the dog got out. 
29592.dependent (頼っている、依存している )
Japan is dependent on the US for a lot of its soybeans. 
29593.descend(降りる)feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
My ears hurt when the plans startled to descend else in
29594.genocide (大量虐殺 )
Innocente people die in genocides just because of their race. 
29595.count (重要である、価値がある )
You live only once.Every minutes  count.. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/17)

2022年11月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
29586.autumn colors  (紅葉  )
Aren't the autumn colors of these trees wonderful?
29587.That was close (ぎりぎりだったね )
BLAKE!!. Man, That was close.
29588.raise one's voice at(熱心な )to speak loudly or shout because you are angry 
He raise his voice at you during the last meeting.
29589.liable to (~し勝ち )
My boss is liable to get angry. 
29590.go with the flow (時代の流れに沿う )
I’m happy to go with the flow. 


2022年11月16日 | 爺英語

Chinese President Xi Jinping has cemented his iron grip on power after the Communist Party announced its new core leadership.
Xi will get an unprecedented third term as the party's general secretary. 
And he's promoted his close allies to the country's top positions for the next five years.
The party announced the seven members of the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee on Sunday.
On the top of the list is President Xi. Four members of the committee are new, and Xi chose to appoint subordinates who'd worked under him in the past. 
He spoke about what he called the "rejuvenation" of China.
(Xi Jinping / Chinese President)
“On our new journey, we should always keep our spirits high, so we can push forward with building a modern socialist country.”
There is no clear successor to Xi within the top decision-making body.再生解説

unprecedented   前例のない、前代未聞の    
all-powerful  全能の  
rejuvenation 若返り、再生、復活、活性化    

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/16)

2022年11月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
29581.culprit  the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong → victim 
Police finally managed to catch the culprit.  
29582.patch (応急に修繕する )to repair a hole in something by putting a piece of something else over it 
He had been wounded four times-and patched up, and sent back to war. 
29583.slide(滑り込む) to move somewhere quietly and smoothly, or to move something in this way 
It just slid under the seat or something.
29584.restore (返す、返還する、復させる、復職させる、復活させる、復興する、再建する、修復する、復元する、取り戻す )to make something return to its former state or condition 
Restoring it to the previous version will fix it. 
29585.corrupt something that is corrupt is not pure or has been damaged or partly ruined
I already tried that, but our backups are corrupted. 

徒然草 第百七十八段

2022年11月15日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/15)

2022年11月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
29576.You've lost me   (話についていけません  )
You lost me at the grammar part. What is an auxiliary verb? .
29577.That went over my head  (全然理解できない / ちんぷんかんぷん ) to be too difficult for someone to understand 
Woah! You've completely lost me. That went over my head
29578.Normal / Ordinary / Average / Plainly (普通  ) average, common, or usual, not different or special 
I did nothing. It was an ordinary day like any other day. 
29579.Have someone's back  ((人を)守る・助ける / 〜の味方をする )
My friends and family have my back no matter what. 
29580.Stab someone in the back  ((人を)裏切る  )to do something that harms someone who likes and trusts you 類義語 betray
How can you stab me in the back? I thought we were best friends?