29601.I am relieved/I feel relieved. (ホッとする/安心する )
I'm so relieved that I found my passport. I was freaking out.
29602.save room for (腹八分にしておく・別腹をとっておく )
I always save room for desserts. That's the best part of the meal!
29603.wait and see (様子を見る)spoken used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later
I'm so relieved that I found my passport. I was freaking out.
29602.save room for (腹八分にしておく・別腹をとっておく )
I always save room for desserts. That's the best part of the meal!
29603.wait and see (様子を見る)spoken used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later
Let's wait and see before we make a decision.
29604.assume (推測する、仮定する、(責任などを)引き受ける )to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof 類義語 presume
If you want to know something just ask. Don’t assume.
If you want to know something just ask. Don’t assume.
29605.expect (予期する ) to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been plannedexpect to do something
I expect the problem to get worse before it gets better.
I expect the problem to get worse before it gets better.