

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/13)

2022年11月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
29566.overthrow (転覆する、廃止する、ひっくり返す、打ち破る  ) to remove a leader or government from power, especially by force 類義語 oust 
The situation has been chaotic since rebels overthrew the government. 
29567.make off (急いで去る、逃げ去る )to leave quickly, especially in order to escape 
The robber made off before the police arrived.. 
29568.make out(ようやく見分ける、考えを理解する  )
I couldn’t make out what my grandpa was saying
29569.drive (意欲、やる気 )determination and energy to succeed 
Maggie drive kept the project going. 
29570.resist (我慢する、こらえる ) to stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do
When I see chocolate cake on the menu, I can 't resist