

Daily Vocabulary(2022/11/10)

2022年11月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
29551.booze informal alcoholic drink 
My husband is now off the booze (=no longer drinking too much alcohol) and he is a different person. 
29552.go the extra mile  (期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする )to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort 
Peter went the extra mile to help his client. 
29553.just ((ちょっと)だけ  ) only by a small amount, time, distance etc 
Add just a little bit of salt. No more than one pinch. 
29554.just  (ただ〜(をしたかった) ) exactly 
I just wanted everyone to have a good time. I didn't mean to ruin the party.  
29555.just  (とにかく〜(する・やる) ) nothing more than the thing, amount, action etc that you are mentioning 類義語 only
He needs to stop making excuses and just admit that he was wrong.