

Carpenters - Crystal Lullaby

2009年11月23日 | 私の好きな歌
Carpenters - Crystal Lullaby

Listen to the song he sings
Can't you see his music brings her
Crystal sleep

As her heavy eyelids fall
He's taking her to where the dolls
Rule the world

And in that land of make believe
Is where he'll leave her sleeping
Softly warm
In a crystal lullaby

He's weaving her a paper castle
Where dancing clowns with tassels made of fur
Welcome her into their world
That lives inside the dreams
Of every little girl

She's guarded by a brave tin soldier
Sitting on her shoulder
Taken there
In a crystal lullaby

Sometimes when I listen to
The velvet song that fills a summer afternoon
Something deep within me sighs
And wishes for the peaceful skies
Of long ago

That wrapped my cares
In silver air
And carried them away
Leaving me

And a crystal lullaby
And a crystal lullaby

Daily Vocabulary(2009/11/23)

2009年11月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
A clerk accosted a lady,who looked to be at least in her 70s.
They're more the result of foolish impulsiveness than a premeditated intention to commit a crime.
We confirmed the existence of a premeditated plan.
I've heared that the real pros work in teams,using a decoy.
A plan whose virtue have not been discovered.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

