木綿のハンカチーフ 太田裕美
I would like to her your take on them.
11247.come in all shapes and sizes(様々な種類がある、多種多様だ、多彩だ)
They come in all shapes and sizes.
11248.be taken aback(是非とも~したい)
I was taken aback by rather rude and presunmptuous attitude shown by a couple of the interviewees.
11249.offhand and curt(無愛想でそっけない、ぶっきらぼうな)
I heared later that one of them was offhand and curt when speaking with our receptionists.
11250.be spoiled for choice(撰ぶのに困る、より取り見取りで決めかねる)
I think we are spoiled for choice here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十六番音羽山清水寺/京都府京都市(2011/01/22)

My Garden

I would like to her your take on them.
11247.come in all shapes and sizes(様々な種類がある、多種多様だ、多彩だ)
They come in all shapes and sizes.
11248.be taken aback(是非とも~したい)
I was taken aback by rather rude and presunmptuous attitude shown by a couple of the interviewees.
11249.offhand and curt(無愛想でそっけない、ぶっきらぼうな)
I heared later that one of them was offhand and curt when speaking with our receptionists.
11250.be spoiled for choice(撰ぶのに困る、より取り見取りで決めかねる)
I think we are spoiled for choice here.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十六番音羽山清水寺/京都府京都市(2011/01/22)

My Garden