

Daily Vocabulary(2011/06/27)

2011年06月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
11336.wear off(除々に消えていく、すり減る)
The effect of the medicine wears off after several hours.
11337.wear on(長々とつづく,時間がたつ )
The lecture wore on and people started leaving the hall.
11338.wear out(すり減る、忍耐などが尽きる、~をすり減らす、~を疲れさせる)
The tires are wearing out You need to get them renewed.
11339.wear away(~を侵食する、~を磨滅させる)
The wind and rain wore away the terrain.
11340.wear out one's welcome(長居をし過ぎて嫌がられる)
I realized I wore out my welcome when she started looking at the clock.
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