Ghost (ゴースト ニューヨークの幻)- Unchained Melody
12841.dearly(とても, 非常に)
Thsi teacher makes us pay dearly for its instruction.
12842.derive([derive A from B]〈AをB(本源となるもの)から〉得る, 引き出す;〈Aの由来[根源]をBに〉たずねる)
The profit we derive. is not worth the price we paid.
12843.return to the road(再び旅に出る)
Business travelers in particular, return to the road.
Hoteliers reckon the time is right to make those kinds of investments.
Adversity is a great teacher.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

アリオ倉敷店 駐車場
Thsi teacher makes us pay dearly for its instruction.
12842.derive([derive A from B]〈AをB(本源となるもの)から〉得る, 引き出す;〈Aの由来[根源]をBに〉たずねる)
The profit we derive. is not worth the price we paid.
12843.return to the road(再び旅に出る)
Business travelers in particular, return to the road.
Hoteliers reckon the time is right to make those kinds of investments.
Adversity is a great teacher.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

アリオ倉敷店 駐車場