

"Oh My Pa-Pa"(オ-マイパパ)- EDDIE FISHER

2013年08月19日 | 洋楽ヒットソング

Eddie Fisher

Oh, my pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Oh, my pa-pa, to me he was so good
No one could be, so gentle and so lovable
Oh, my pa-pa, he always understood.

Gone are the days when he could take me on his knee
And with a smile he'd change my tears to laughter

Oh, my pa-pa, so funny, so adorable
Always the clown so funny in his way
Oh, my pa-pa, to me he was so wonderful
Deep in my heart I miss him so today.

Daily Vocabulary(2013/08/19)

2013年08月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
14736.crawl back to health(ゆっくり回復する)
The economy is strating to crawl back to health after the recession.
14737.pink slip(解雇通知)
For them, getting the pink slip cab mean long months of seaching with no success, just soul-destroying rejection.
14738.get into negative rut(悪い状況にはまり込む、悪循環に陥る)
They can get into a really negative rut.
14739.hoary adage(陳腐なことわざ)
They start believing the hoary adage about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks.
14740.fall back upon(~に頼る、~を当てにする)
Everyone, no matter what their age is, should have a PLan B to fall back upon.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


岡山県 高島ハイキング(2013/07/15)