深夜食堂3 第1話 メンチカツdrama.mybest!!CH
17216be upset with(~に腹を立てている)
You are not upset with me?
17217.get a degree in(~の学位を取る)
So you are getting a degree in business.
17218.test the water(どんなものか様子を見る)
I'm just testing the water.
17219clean the ropes(要領、コツをつかむ、身につける)
That's god way to clean the ropes.
17220.give~a few pointers(~にいくつかのアドバイスをする)
I can give you a few pointers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You are not upset with me?
17217.get a degree in(~の学位を取る)
So you are getting a degree in business.
17218.test the water(どんなものか様子を見る)
I'm just testing the water.
17219clean the ropes(要領、コツをつかむ、身につける)
That's god way to clean the ropes.
17220.give~a few pointers(~にいくつかのアドバイスをする)
I can give you a few pointers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News