17276swear by(~に信頼を置いている)
Like my friend, who swear by pomegranate juice.
17277.carb intake(炭水化物の摂取量)
She has to watch her carb intake.
17278.add up to(~という結果になる)
All this add up to a headache for major food brands.
17279stay on top of(~を熟知している)
They've got to stay on top of their big change in the breakfast food market and anticipate future trends.
17280.stay in the game(商売を続ける、生き残る)
They want to stay in the game.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Like my friend, who swear by pomegranate juice.
17277.carb intake(炭水化物の摂取量)
She has to watch her carb intake.
17278.add up to(~という結果になる)
All this add up to a headache for major food brands.
17279stay on top of(~を熟知している)
They've got to stay on top of their big change in the breakfast food market and anticipate future trends.
17280.stay in the game(商売を続ける、生き残る)
They want to stay in the game.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News