

RIO PARALYMPICS OPENリオ(デジャネイロ)パラリンピックが開幕

2016年09月22日 | 爺英語

The Paralympic Games have opened in Rio de Janeiro, with more than 4,400 athletes competing in 12 days of events.
The opening ceremony was held at Maracana Stadium. Athletes from 159 countries and territories, plus a team of refugees, are taking part. They will be competing for medals in 528 events in 22 sports.
The International Paralympic Committee has banned the entire Russian team due to alleged state-sponsored doping. But organizers insist that the Rio Games will be the greatest ever, combining the city's passion with the Paralympic spirit.

refugee  難民
alleged  申し立てられた
state-sponsored  国が後押しした

Daily Vocabulary(2016/09/22)

2016年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
18641.keep someone isolated and alone(人を孤立させて一人ぼっちにしておく)
It can keep us isolated and alone.
another example of how technology is changing our social behavior is ghosting.
18643.go to the trouble of(わざわざ~をする)
You don't go to the trouble of explainining why you're ending the relationship.
18644.cold and heartless(血も涙もない)
That sounds pretty cold and heartless to me.
18645.fade away(消えていく、弱まる)
Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away.
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