


2016年09月29日 | 爺英語

An advisory panel to the prime minister that's studying revisions to the tax system has met. The panel is tasked with drawing up changes for next fiscal year.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the meeting that the income tax system needs to be revised to match the changes in society. One revision that's being considered is the spousal deduction for income tax.
Under the current taxation system, if one of a married couple's annual income is 1.03 million yen or less, equal to about 10,000 dollars, the partner is eligible for a 380,000 yen tax deduction. Because of this, many women working part-time tend to limit the number of hours they work so as to keep their annual earnings below 1.03 million yen. This allows their husbands to remain eligible for the spousal deduction.
However, critics say the current system favors families with a single breadwinner, and that it fails to match the change in society where double-income families have become a majority. The government panel plans to look into a new system that includes a "tax deduction for couples" regardless of the earnings of either partner.

be tasked with  ~の任務を負う
draw up  作成する
taxation  課税
eligible  資格のある
breadwinner  (家庭の)稼ぎ手
regardless of  ~に関係なく、~にかかわらず

Daily Vocabulary(2016/09/29)

2016年09月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
18676.set formula(きまり文句、お決まりのやり方)
For me, at least, there's no set formula.
18677.take someone by surprise(人に不意打ちをくらわす、人を驚かす)
Those things often take us by surprise.
18678.at one's own(独自の、独特の)
Events have a logic at their own.
18679.in the same light(同じように、同じ見方で)
It's unrealistic to look at work and personal activities in the same light.
My impression is that the line between work and home is becoming increasingly blurry for urban professionals.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
