

Daily Vocabulary(2016/09/28)

2016年09月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
18671.in moderation(ほどほどに、控えめに)
This has to be done in moderation.
They are cheating their company out of money.
18673.rack one's brain(知恵を絞る、頭を働かせる)
I racked my brain trying to think what i might have said or done to ruin our friendship, but nothing same to mind.
18674.get caught up in(~に巻き込まれる、~に忙殺される)
Maybe she got caught up in her new life.
18675.there is not much point in(~をする意味はない、~をしても無駄だ)
There is not much point in bringing it up now.
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