You spent your remaining years dandling grandchildren on your knee.
18857.dividing line between(~間の境界線)
These days there isn't such a clear dividing line between work and retirement.
Many so-called retirees don't have a choice.
18859.keep one's head above water(何とかやりくりする)
Financial realities mean they have to keep some money coming in to keep their head above water、I guess.
They need the discipline and sense of accomplishment they got from work to have fulfilling lives.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You spent your remaining years dandling grandchildren on your knee.
18857.dividing line between(~間の境界線)
These days there isn't such a clear dividing line between work and retirement.
Many so-called retirees don't have a choice.
18859.keep one's head above water(何とかやりくりする)
Financial realities mean they have to keep some money coming in to keep their head above water、I guess.
They need the discipline and sense of accomplishment they got from work to have fulfilling lives.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News