


2016年11月10日 | 爺英語

Japan's transport ministry is making it mandatory for all hybrid and electric vehicles to have a device that emits sounds like conventionall cars. The aim is to reduce the possibility of accidents with pedestrians.
Hybrid and electric cars generally run quieter than gasoline-powered vehicles. But some people, including the visually impaired, say that it's difficult for them to notice the cars and can be dangerous.
The ministry will require the vehicles to emit sounds ranging between 50 and 56 decibels when they drive at speeds 20 kilometers per hour or under. That's about the same noise level as a gasoline-powered car. Automakers are also required to add low-frequency sounds to make it easier for the elderly to hear.
Hybrid and electric vehicles on the market are already equipped with such devices, but they can be shut off manually by drivers, so the ministry has decided to eliminate that ability. 
The rules will be imposed on new hybrid and electric car models starting March 2018, and on models that are already on sale, starting October 2020.
mandatory  義務的な
emit  放出する、排出する
conventional  従来型の
generally  一般に
visually impaired  目が不自由な、視覚障害のある
range  (一定範囲で)変動する
low-frequency  低周波の
eliminate  排除する

Daily Vocabulary(2016/11/10)

2016年11月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
It's a quarter to eight.
It's five past eight.
18888.in plenty of time(時間に余裕を持って)
Let's arrive in plenty of time me.
18889.starting today(今日から)
Starting today、I'm gonna wake up at six.
I'd want to take a selfie with Andrey Hepburn!.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
