Tom Jones - I'll Never Fall In Love Again 1969
18976.take up(仕事・趣味などを始める)
Some of my friends have taken that up.
18977.start the day on the right foot(その日の好スタートを切る)
It really helps me start the day on the right foot.
Any hints about how to boost may morning energy level?
18979.come to mind(頭に浮かぶ)
The first thing that come to mind is Ben Franklin's famous saying.
11980.hit the hay(寝る)
We should hit the hay fairly early, I mean, and get a good night's sleep.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Some of my friends have taken that up.
18977.start the day on the right foot(その日の好スタートを切る)
It really helps me start the day on the right foot.
Any hints about how to boost may morning energy level?
18979.come to mind(頭に浮かぶ)
The first thing that come to mind is Ben Franklin's famous saying.
11980.hit the hay(寝る)
We should hit the hay fairly early, I mean, and get a good night's sleep.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News