悪魔がにくい 平田隆夫とセルスターズ
20381.I can’t put up with(〜に我慢できない)
I can’t put up with poor customer service.
20382.I can’t bear(話し言葉〜に我慢できない)
I don’t mind the heat but I just can’t bear this humidity.
20383.I can’t stand(〜に我慢できない / 〜が嫌い)
I can’t stand crowded places. I avoid them at all costs.
20384.I can’t take it anymore!(もう我慢できない)
I can’t take his lies anymore! I’m going to end this relationship.
20385.This is the last straw(もう我慢の限界 / 堪忍袋の緒が切れる)
My husband came home really drunk again last night. That’s five nights in a row. This is the last straw.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I can’t put up with poor customer service.
20382.I can’t bear(話し言葉〜に我慢できない)
I don’t mind the heat but I just can’t bear this humidity.
20383.I can’t stand(〜に我慢できない / 〜が嫌い)
I can’t stand crowded places. I avoid them at all costs.
20384.I can’t take it anymore!(もう我慢できない)
I can’t take his lies anymore! I’m going to end this relationship.
20385.This is the last straw(もう我慢の限界 / 堪忍袋の緒が切れる)
My husband came home really drunk again last night. That’s five nights in a row. This is the last straw.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News