シモンズ - 琵琶湖周航の歌 Lake Biwa Rowing Song
20426.throw in(投げ入れる、おまけとして添える、さしはさむ)
Can you throw in a free day pass too?.
20427.pay as you go(現金払い主義)
You can pay as you go.
20428.flat rate(均一料金)
You pay a flat rate of $45 per month.
20429.cardio exercise(有酸素運動)
I now do mainly running and occasionally cardio exercise like these.
20430.elliptical trainer(エリプティカル・トレーナー◆ペダルを踏むと足が楕円形を描くように作られている運動器具。単にellipticalともいう)
Put a stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical trainer in front of the television.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Can you throw in a free day pass too?.
20427.pay as you go(現金払い主義)
You can pay as you go.
20428.flat rate(均一料金)
You pay a flat rate of $45 per month.
20429.cardio exercise(有酸素運動)
I now do mainly running and occasionally cardio exercise like these.
20430.elliptical trainer(エリプティカル・トレーナー◆ペダルを踏むと足が楕円形を描くように作られている運動器具。単にellipticalともいう)
Put a stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical trainer in front of the television.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News