由紀さおり 『夜明けのスキャット』 (2009)
20416.get a bad rap as(非難される)
Millennials have been getting a bad rap as job-hopping slackers.
They have a sense of entitlement and arn't driven to succeed.
They're supposedly unconcerned with employment security, happily flitting from one job to another.
We saw how the Great Recession and its aftermath devastated the lives of so many people.
20420.put down roots(落ち着く)
We want to put down roots, buy a home, even save money for our retirement.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Millennials have been getting a bad rap as job-hopping slackers.
They have a sense of entitlement and arn't driven to succeed.
They're supposedly unconcerned with employment security, happily flitting from one job to another.
We saw how the Great Recession and its aftermath devastated the lives of so many people.
20420.put down roots(落ち着く)
We want to put down roots, buy a home, even save money for our retirement.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

【ペリリューの戦い】日本人が知らなければならない大東亜戦争の真実 - NAVER まとめ matome.naver.jp/odai/214077697…
— 日本男道記 (@60norinori) 2017年9月12日 - 11:49