


2017年09月21日 | 爺英語

Honda Aircraft says its HondaJet has been ranked for the first time as the most-delivered jet in its category in the first half of this year.
The subsidiary of American Honda Motor said it supplied 24 aircraft to customers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Europe between January and June.
Deliveries of the seven-seater plane began in 2015. Honda Aircraft says it has a global market share of 40 percent for jets with 10 or fewer seats. It says customers are pleased with the jet's performance, comfort, fit, and finish.
Honda Aircraft plans to boost annual production to about 80 planes from the current 50.

delivery 出荷、納品
fit 乗り心地
finish 仕上げ

Daily Vocabulary(2017/09/21)

2017年09月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
20456.Have someone do something(〜をしてもらう)
I had my friend take me to the airport.
20457.Make someone do something(〜させる)
Don't make him drink so much. He’s a lightweight.
20458.Get someone to do something((どうにかして/なんとかして)〜させる・〜をしてもらう)
I got my child to take the medicine.
20459.Let someone do something(〜させることを許す)
My boss let me go home early today.
They comprise about a third of the workforce.

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