

NARA'S HAIRY PROBLEM 奈良公園 鹿せんべいの正しい与え方

2018年05月16日 | 爺英語

Officials at one of Japan's tourist hotspots have stepped in to solve a hairy problem. They are encouraging visitors in Nara to treat roaming deer the right way to prevent accidents.
The deer are a key attraction at Nara Park, but they're also causing problems by biting and knocking over people who get close. Almost 200 incidents have been reported over the last year.

"They really like the crackers. I bought a set, and then they started biting me."
"They're very aggressive. It's a bit scary, but they're cute."

Officials have put up signs that outline the best way to approach the animals and how to feed them. They include diagrams that show visitors how to indicate they've run out of snacks.
The officials hope sightseers in Nara will go home with nothing but fond memories of the furry friends.
step in介入する
knock over押し倒す、ひっくり返す
step in掲示する
knock over観光客
knock over(柔らかい)毛で覆われた

Daily Vocabulary(2018/05/16)

2018年05月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
The event is tentatively planned for July 10th.
21632.He/she is our/my(彼/彼女は~です)
He is our marketing director, James.
21633.He/she is my boss(私の上司です)
She is my immediate boss, Susie.
21634.He/She is my co-worker(彼/彼女は同僚です)
He is my co-worker.
21635.I'd like to return
Excuse me, I'd like to return this hat.

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