

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/05)

2021年02月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
26656.step up to the plate(先頭に立って行動する、進んで物事に取り組む、責任を引き受ける)to come forward and take responsibility for something 
If you ask me, software makers need to step up to the plate and provide more built-in protection so all of us can feel safe and secure when we're in the digital world. 
26657.con man(詐欺師)A con man is a man who persuades people to give him their money or property by lying to them. 
My uncle knows such a thing doesn't exist, and he told the con man to get lost.
26658.cash in on(を利用して利益を得る[もうける)to get profit or profitable use from 
They try to cash in on the coronavirus panic by pushing fake cures, asking for donations to phony charities, or selling face masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper at exorbitant prices.
26659.have a funny bone(ユーモアのセンスがある)
There's only so much you can do for someone who doesn't seem to have a funny bone.
26660.self-deprecating joke(自虐的ジョーク)   
They're ripe with comic possibilities, especially self-deprecating jokes and ironic comments. 

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