26766.balance(残高)The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it.
What's the balance on my account?
26767.grate(摩り下ろす)If you grate food such as cheese or carrots, you rub it over a metal tool called a grater so that the food is cut into very small pieces.
Could you grate some cheese for me?
26768.damage(損害)Damage is physical harm that is caused to an object.
They've agreed to pay for damage.
26769.delight(大いに喜ばせる、うれしがらせる、楽しませる) Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure.
My parents were delighted to hear about my excellent grades.
26770.burgle(夜盗を働く)If a building is burgled, a thief enters it by force and steals things.
We returned home to find we had been burgled.