

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/18)

2021年02月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26721.through rose-colored glasses(バラ色の眼鏡を通して、楽観的に)with optimism, esp. undue optimism 
I guess I look back at my days as a paper boy through rose-colored glasses
26722.rite of passage(誕生、成長、結婚などの、人生の節目に行われる儀礼のこと)a ceremony performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes his or her status, as at puberty and marriage 
They're a basic rite of passage for American teenagers. 
26723.devil's advocate (悪魔の代弁者  、異なった観点から物事を吟味するために、あるいは議論をおもしろくするために、「あえて反対意見を述べる」こと )If you play devil's advocate in a discussion or debate, you express an opinion which you may not agree with but which is very different to what other people have been saying, in order to make the argument more interesting. 
Let me play devil's advocate for a moment. 
I've been coming to this bar for years.
I haven't seen you for ages.

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