

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/11)

2021年02月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
26686.tricky(扱いにくい、微妙な)something that is tricky is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems 
But discussing money skill seems to be tricky in many families.
26687.crass(愚鈍な、はなはだしい、ひどい)behaving in a stupid and offensive way which shows that you do not understand or care about other people’s feelings → insensitive 
Talking about money was something indelicate  or crass.
26688.reticence(無口、寡黙)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people
I understand their reticence, but it's counterproductive.
26689.full-fledged(資格十分な) completely developed, trained, or established 
They become full-fledged adult members of sociey.
26690.misguided (誤った、間違った、見当違いの) a misguided idea or opinion is wrong because it is based on a wrong understanding of a situation 
They have made bad or misguided decision about money matters because they lack basic financial literacy.

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