


2021年02月20日 | 読書日記


【著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)



Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/20)

2021年02月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26731.curator(学芸員)A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery. 
Let's ask the curator about this picture.
26732.way to go(よくやった、その調子)You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done. 
You passed your driver's test. Way to go!.
26733.dune(砂丘)A dune is a hill of sand near the sea or in a desert. 
Sand dunes are formed by the wind.
26734.significant other(大切な人、恋人) If you refer to your significant other, you are referring to your wife, husband, or the person you are having a relationship with. 
I suffered from homesickness during the first few months of college.
26735.wind instrument(管楽器) A wind instrument is a musical instrument that you blow into in order to produce sounds, such as a flute, a clarinet, or a recorder. 
Trumpet and clarinets are both wind  instrument.

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