

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/17)

2022年02月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
28231.loiter(うろつく)to stand or wait somewhere, especially in a public place, without any clear reason 類義語 hang about, hang around
A strange man was seen loitering near the crime scene. 
28232.go out of business if a company goes out of business, or something puts it out of business, it stops operating, especially because of financial problems
It must have gone out of business.  
28233.stand one's ground(一歩も引かない) to refuse to change your mind about something, even though people are opposing you
IThe protester were given several warnings, but they stood their ground. 
28234.The way to go(~をするのがベスト・一番)
Leaving early in the morning before traffic is the way to go
28235.beckon(手まねで招く、さし招く、合図する、誘う、招く)to make a signal to someone with your hand, to show that you want them to come towards you or to follow you
That is called a beckoning cat or manekineko.