

Daily Vocabulary(2023/08/11)

2023年08月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
30916.You can say that again (全くその通りだ )
You can say that again.
30917.venue (開催地,会場)a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place 
But the trouble is that the venue is so far away. 
30918.surrounding (周囲の、付近の)near or around a particular place 類義語 nearby 
From here you can get an increrdible view of the surrpunding mountains. 
30919.enclose (取り囲む、包み込む、同封する)to put something inside an envelope as well as a letter
My sisiter hates being enclosed in tight spaces.. 
30920.encompass(網羅する、取り囲むto include a wide range of ideas, subjects, etc
Yesterday's discussion encompassed a wide variety of topics .