

Daily Vocabulary(2023/08/14)

2023年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
30931.confidential (機密の、部外秘の ) spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret 
All the confidential you provide will be kept confidential. 
30932.intelligence (機密情報、諜報機関) information about the secret activities of foreign governments, the military plans of an enemy etc /a group of people or an organization that gathers this information for their government 
Spies work to obtain intelligence on over governments. 
30933.leak (漏洩)if a container, pipe, roof etc leaks, or if it leaks gas, liquid etc, there is a small hole or crack in it that lets gas or liquid flow through/ to deliberately give secret information to a newspaper, television company etc 
Change your password right now. there's been a huge date leak. 
30934.tight spot (窮地、困った状況)informal a difficult situation
I need to find my way out of this tight spot.
30935.sticky situation(厄介な状況、難しい状況 a sticky situation, question, or problem is difficult or dangerous
How did you get yourself involved in a sticky situation like that?