角野 隼斗/ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番 ハ短調 Op.18(PTNA2018特級ファイナル/グランプリ)Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No.2 Op.18
30986.in time (時間に間に合う,時間内に )before the time by which it is necessary for something to be done
I got here in time for the last train.
30987.on time (時間どおりに)at the correct time or the time that was arranged
I got here in time for the last train.
30987.on time (時間どおりに)at the correct time or the time that was arranged
Make sure you are here on time tomorrow.
30988.skin lightening cream (美白クリーム)
A magazine article about skin care cosmetics. You know, I’m almost 40 years old. I think I should start using anti-aging skin care products, like a skin lightening cream.
30989.a little longer(もう少し )
Would you wait a little longer?
30990.a llitle more (もう少し、サイズまたは量が少ない、若い )
I will wait a little more.
Would you wait a little longer?
30990.a llitle more (もう少し、サイズまたは量が少ない、若い )
I will wait a little more.