The New York Philharmonic String Quartet performs Dvořák’s American Quartet
30881.l'll owe you one.(恩にきます )
Could you feed my fish while I'Maway. I'll owe you one.
30882.project proposal事業計画書)
Could you feed my fish while I'Maway. I'll owe you one.
30882.project proposal事業計画書)
Could you hand in your project proposal byWednesday insted of Friday?
30883.hold a meeting(会合を開く)
The boss is very interestd, and she wants to hold a meeting as soon as possible .
30884.have a feeling for(~に特別な感情を持っている)
She realized I have a special feeling for you.
30885.sweat(汗をかく)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise
Sweating is how your body tries to cool itself down.
She realized I have a special feeling for you.
30885.sweat(汗をかく)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise
Sweating is how your body tries to cool itself down.