32771.drought (干ばつ)a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live
As the drought continues, the city is restricting water usage.
32772.confront(直面する、大胆に立ち向かう)if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with /to deal with something very difficult or unpleasant in a brave and determined way
As the drought continues, the city is restricting water usage.
32772.confront(直面する、大胆に立ち向かう)if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with /to deal with something very difficult or unpleasant in a brave and determined way
We need to confront the crisis of climate change
32773.disruption(無秩序を起こす行為、混乱、崩壊)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke
After our romance came to an abrupt end, I felt completely lost.
32774.abrupt (突然の、無愛想な) to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it
Did you pick up on all the ironic things that happened in the story?
32775.divined (分かれて、割れて)
Did you pick up on all the ironic things that happened in the story?
32775.divined (分かれて、割れて)
In the Us, views on gun control are divided.