


2024年08月14日 | 爺英語

“All work and no play makes Japan a dull place.” Now, hang on — or so suggests a new survey. Nearly two-thirds of respondents value their free time more than their jobs. The figure is a record high. The non-profit Japan Productivity Center conducted the annual poll on about 3,300 people. More than a third say they find purpose in leisure rather than their job. And over 30 percent say they try to wrap up their work in good time to have fun elsewhere. Only about 12 percent place more value on work than leisure. Comparable data started in 2009. And the latest results point to a growing awareness about work-life balance. One official involved in the poll says the coronavirus pandemic and rise in remote working probably saw people reassess how they want to live. The survey also asked people how they spend their free time. Almost half say they travel in Japan.

wrap up 終わらせる、締める  informal to finish a job, meeting etc 
in good time 早めに、十分に余裕を持って、時間どおりに、順調に 
point to ~を示す、指摘する、提示する、挙げる   to mention something because you think it is important

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/14)

2024年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32751.reminder (思い出させる人、(思い出させるための)注意、合図、催促状 )something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something /something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten 
This is a reminder.
32752.moving(動く、動いている、移動する、動かす、推進する、引っ越しの、感動させる、哀れな )making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy 
The documentary was do moving
32753.lively(元気な、活発な、陽気な、にぎやかな、活気のある、(…で)活気があって、にぎわって、強い、激しい、鮮やかな )someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active 
 The book-signing event wasn't very lively..
32754.feel sorry for  (可哀そう) 
 I fee sorry  for him
32755.cheer (応援する)  a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement OPP boo 
Everyone is cheering for the gymnast from Japan..