32526.mug(マグカップ )a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc
I made myself a mug of cocoa and watched movie..
32527.complaint(クレーム、苦情) a statement in which someone complains about something
I made myself a mug of cocoa and watched movie..
32527.complaint(クレーム、苦情) a statement in which someone complains about something
You should make a complaint about waiter . He was so rude.
32528.mass media(マスコミ)all the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public, including television, radio, and newspapers
The mass media can make someone a star in almost no time.
32529.french fries(フライドポテト)a long thin piece of potato that has been cooked in hot oil 類義語 chip British English
Do all the kid’s meals come with french fries?
32530.drive(意欲、やる気)a strong natural need or desire
Do all the kid’s meals come with french fries?
32530.drive(意欲、やる気)a strong natural need or desire
Tom's drive kept the project going..