

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/13)

2025年01月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
32501.brings back memories (懐かしい )
Watching this movie brings back memories of my childhood. 
32502.square (生真面目な人・頭が固い人 )someone who is square is boring and old-fashioned 
My dad is a square. He doesn’t like trying new things. 
32503.deal with((我慢して)対処する・受け入れる )
I don’t want to work late, but I have to deal with it. 
32504.I can’t wait ((待ちきれない)楽しみ! )
I can’t wait for the party! It’s going to be so much fun! 
32505.no joke. (冗談抜きで)
This coronavirus is no joke. It’s rapidly spreading around the world.