32456.confiscate ((職権で、または罰として)没収する、押収する、差し押さえる )
The customs officer confiscated the counterfeit goods
32457.counterfeit(偽造の、にせの、模造の、まがいの、偽りの、虚偽の )
The customs officer confiscated the counterfeit goods
32457.counterfeit(偽造の、にせの、模造の、まがいの、偽りの、虚偽の )
Do you think we can contribute more actively toward international peace?
32458.consignee (受託者、荷受人)the person that something is delivered to
The consignee is the person the parcel is being delivered to.
32459.contraband (密売買(品)、密輸(品)、(戦時)禁制品 )goods that are brought into a country illegally, especially to avoid tax
The agents found contraband in the trunk of the car.
32460.cricket (コオロギ )a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by rubbing its wings together
The agents found contraband in the trunk of the car.
32460.cricket (コオロギ )a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by rubbing its wings together
You could hear the cricket chirping whenever you turned off the lights.