


2025年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary

U.S. authorities monitoring atmospheric conditions say solar activity is now at a maximum and could impact communication and navigation systems. Solar activity increases and decreases in a cycle that lasts about 11 years. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have announced the sun has reached its “solar maximum period,” which could continue for the next year. During such periods, electromagnetic eruptions called solar flares occur on the surface of the sun. These phenomena could affect satellite-based navigation systems, radio communication, and power grids. They could also produce auroras at lower latitudes. In May, auroras triggered by solar flares were observed around the world. In the United States, GPS services were disrupted. The sun may already have been in a maximum period at the time.

 ◆electromagnetic  電磁気的な 
 eruption 噴出 
 ◆power grid   電力網 
 disrupt 乱す、混乱させる、中断させる、障害を及ぼす 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/15)

2025年01月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32511.shed light on (~を明確にする )
This book sheds light on the importance of mental health. 
32512.stuck (動けない)
We got stuck at the airport for a couple of hours. 
32513.no joke (冗談抜きで)used to emphasize that a situation is serious or that someone really means what they say
Drinking and driving is no joke. You have to stop that. 
32514.flaky(信用できない人、ドタキャンする人、いい加減な人 )
He didn't show up again? He's so flaky
32515.literally (マジで・本当に )
 I was literally freaking out when the cockroach started flying.