

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/01)

2024年10月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
32991.Can you cover my shift tonight?  (今夜、仕事のシフト代わってくれない? )
Can you cover for me for a few hours? 
32992.back and forth(行ったり来たり)going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 
I go back and forth between Tokyo and LA for business. 
32993.I can make it(都合がつく)
I'm sorry. Something came up and I can't make it to dinner tonight. 
32994.No worries(心配しないで,気にしないで)British English spoken used to agree to what someone wants and to say that it will be no problem 
 No worries. It's not a big deal. 
32995.I am available(〜でしたら都合がいいです)
Sorry. I'm not available tomorrow. 

