

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/01)

2025年03月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
32736.cheerful(陽気な)  happy, or behaving in a way that shows you are happy /something that is cheerful makes you feel happy because it is so bright or pleasant 
Room with bright colors put me in  cheerful mood.
32737.come to light (明るみに出る)If new information comes to light, it becomes known 
If this secret comes to light, I'll be so embarrassed. 
32738.glaringly (紛れもなく、明らかにin a way that is very clear and easy to notice 
That mystery was easy to figure out. The clues were glaringly obvious
If you want to look good this winter, you have to know layer well.
32740.snug(体にぴったりの、温かくて心地よい)a room, building, or space that is snug is small, warm, and comfortable, and makes you feel protected 類義語 cozy / someone who is snug feels comfortable, happy, and warm 
These wool socks have a nice, snug fit. 

