

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/28)

2024年10月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
32121.feel bad (気分を悪くする、当惑する)to feel ashamed or sorry about something 
I don’t want you to feel bad. I will pay for it.
32122.storm shutter(雨戸)
Did you close the storm shutter
32123.progress report(進捗報告)a statement about how something, especially work, is developing 
The other day I asked you to submit a progress report.
32124.tart(酸っぱい、しんらつな、鋭い) food that is tart has a sharp sour taste 
I like tart apples more than sweet apples
33125.disregard(無視する、軽視する) to ignore something or treat it as unimportant 
You can disregard this error message.. 

