32696.recruit (新入社員)someone who has recently joined a company or organization
Do you remember I spent at a while at the LA branch when I was a recruit.
32697.forget to(~することを覚えている)
Do you remember I spent at a while at the LA branch when I was a recruit.
32697.forget to(~することを覚えている)
Don't forget to lock the door.
32698. forget ~Ing(~忘れない)
I'll never forget going to Australia.
32699.wait up for (起きて~を待つ) to wait for someone to return before you go to bed
AI'll be home very late, so don't wait up for me.
32700.lock up (戸締りする) to make a building safe by locking the doors, especially at night
AI'll be home very late, so don't wait up for me.
32700.lock up (戸締りする) to make a building safe by locking the doors, especially at night
Remember. to lock up before you go to bed, OK