

Daily Vocabulary(2019/10/04)

2019年10月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
24136.last but not least (最後になりましたが  )used when mentioning the last person or thing in a list, to emphasize that they are still important 
Last but not least.. Remember the lessons of Martin Luther King, Jr.
24137.a broad smile (満面の笑み)a big smile
She has a broad smile. 
24138.silly (くだらない / 馬鹿げた  )stupid in a childish or embarrassing way 
Why are you asking such silly questions?
24139.ruin(ダメにする) to spoil or destroy something completely  
 It'll ruin your appetite.
24140.swift(実行する) happening or done quickly and immediately 
 We all wish you a swift recovery.

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