

Daily Vocabulary(2024/10/02)

2024年10月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
32996.Do whatever it takes(必要なことは何でもする / どんな手段でも取る )
We are going to do whatever it takes to win this game! 
32997.just in case(念のため)as a way of being safe from something that might happen or might be true/ American English if 
Let me get your number just in case
32998.You got me(一本取られた / してやられた)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
Gah! You got me, again. You’re too good at this game. I can’t beat you. 
32999.fade(徐々に消える) to gradually disappear 
Unfortunately, my memories of my high school days have faded over time. 
33000.preface(前置き) an introduction at the beginning of a book or speech 
Let me preface it by saying that I am not an expert in this field. . 

