

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/20)

2024年04月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32176.surefire (確実な、かならずうまくいく)certain to succeed 
There’s only one surefire way to lose weight: eat less and exercise more. 
32177.chuckle to laugh quietly 
My boss always chuckles at his own jokes. 
32178.punchline(冗談や話のオチ)having two of something or two parts 
So...the joke is over? That was the punchline?
32179.hook up (繋ぐ、接続する、特別な目的のために会う)a temporary connection between two pieces of equipment such as computers, or between a piece of equipment and an electricity or water supply
Can I hook up a smartphone to my TV?
32180.bridge(橋を架ける、間を埋める)a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc 
Bridging gap between supply and demand is challenging. 

