32241.ripple(ざわめく; さざなみのように伝わる[広がる])to move in small waves, or to make something move in this way
The impact could ripple through the entire group.
32242.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation
The impact could ripple through the entire group.
32242.gravity(重大さ、容易ならぬこと、(罪・病気などの)容易ならぬこと、重さ、まじめさ、真剣さ、厳粛、沈着、地球引力、重力 )the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation
Because the understanding the gravity of the situation.
32243.rule out to decide that something is not possible or suitable
We can't rule out the kind of possibility.
a job or piece of work that involves two or more people working together to achieve something
This is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively, working closely with your team
32245.relevant(関連した) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered OPP irrelevant
This is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively, working closely with your team
32245.relevant(関連した) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered OPP irrelevant
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